Leadership incentive for women in hire


Hire Association Europe Event Hire Association (HAE EHA) is offering a funding package for five free places for women employed in the hire industry to attend a Leadership Management Residential Programme. The free-of-charge incentive is designed to encourage women who are looking to develop their career and progress into a senior management role.

Places are going fast for the five-day courses on March 21-26 or April 25-30 at The Royal Lodge in Symonds Yat East, which can be booked through HAE EHA. The usual cost of £4,200 per delegate includes accommodation and all meals. Only one candidate from the same organisation is allowed to attend each intake.

The course exposes participants to ever-increasing complex and challenging situations that leaders will face in the workplace. The Leadership Management programme is demanding, focusing on developing self-awareness, self-control and self-confidence. The process aims to identify the leadership behaviour, strengths and development needs of individuals.

Participants will take part in team-building exercises that will test their ability to communicate effectively with different personality types, supported by a course director and coach facilitators as well as by group members. There will be a pre-programme briefing and post programme one-to-one follow up coaching session over the phone.

While the five free places on the course are intended to attract women considering management roles in the hire industry, the programme is open to anyone who is a well-established manager looking to progress their career.