New RED Driver Training affinity deal signed by FleetCheck as HGV driver shortage creates demand


Increasing demand for training in response to the HGV driver shortage has seen FleetCheck strike a new affinity deal with RED Driver Training.

Peter Golding, managing director at the fleet management software company, explained that his company’s customer base was looking to new ways of tackling the current scarcity.

He said: “We are hearing from transport manager that there are a number of issues arising around risk management best practice as a result of the driver crisis.

“Some are telling us they continue to use drivers who, in times when there was less of an recruitment problem in this area, they would perhaps want to let go. These are people who meet all legal requirements but are only performing well enough instead of excelling.

“Similarly, there is a suspicion that a larger proportion than usual of the drivers who are now looking for work might not have been considered good enough elsewhere, that the quality of those available is far from aspirational.

“In both these instances, there is a widespread understanding that training can have a positive impact, helping existing drivers to improve their performance and also through pre-recruitment assessments on new candidates.

“Our customer base is increasingly asking for us for help and advice when it comes to these types of services, which is why we have looked to this new affinity deal.”

Peter said that FleetCheck chose to work with RED through its affinity programme after looking closely at the market and the offer negotiated included a free consultation designed to help fleets identify the best type of driver training to help with their issues.

“Through the data we collect with our software, we are able to help transport managers gain an understanding of which drivers may potentially benefit from training and RED’s expertise can then show the types of solutions available and the best course of action.

“We’re big believers in driver training as a risk management tool because we see its positive effects over time across our user base, and we are delighted to be able to negotiate this arrangement and confident that RED will deliver for our users.”

Peter added that while the driver shortage was affecting HGV operators most acutely, there was also an increasing level of interest in training from fleets of all kinds.

“This is something that very much appears to be a post-pandemic trend, with many fleets that have been placed under high levels of stress – such as those delivering front line services – realising that drivers may need assistance.”

Ian McIntosh, CEO, RED Driver Training, said: “FleetCheck has a very wide range of customers, covering everything from cars to the largest and most specialised commercial vehicles, and we are well-placed to deliver services to meet all of their needs. Like us, they are a company with a genuine commitment to a risk management culture, and we are very pleased to have arrived at this new agreement.”

Andy Kirby, customer success director at FleetCheck, added: “FleetCheck now has affinity agreements in place with five major service providers, ranging from auction services to driver training and maintenance to MoT tests.

“We’re in the process of finalising further affinity deals which we’ll announce in the near future. Our aim is to use our position to negotiate arrangements that benefit our customers, especially as many look to new strategies in the post-pandemic economy.”

CAPTION (from left): Ian McIntosh, CEO, RED Driver Training and Peter Golding, managing director, FleetCheck