Planet Arborist launches a unique rating service to accelerate the response to climate transition, support inclusive growth and promote strong governance.


Planet Arborist launches its ratings service to further support companies focused on sustainability, inclusive and health outcomes. The service runs alongside its fundraising function and is integral to driving attention to the companies that are leading the way by building in environmental, social and governance criteria into their operations. The rating service is designed for optimal outcomes for all stakeholders including company, supply chain, consumer, investor and the planet.

Planet Arborist works directly to rate companies and to curate investment funding.

CEO John Creaton says;

“By supporting sustainability focused companies we help reduce CO2e emissions, preserve water supply, promote biodiversity and influence health outcomes. We promote clarity by highlighting the strongest companies by actively rating their sustainability credentials consistent with an Environment Social and Governance (ESG) framework and with the UN sustainability goals.”

The ratings system exclusively focuses on companies that are making an impact and highlights the exact areas of strength in an easily understandable way thus avoiding acronyms which can quickly lose their meaning and impact. Planet Arborist believes this is critical for retaining and capturing new customers as well as identifying differentiated and sustainable growth opportunities.

John Creaton adds;

“For clarity and impact we have developed our rating categories that allow us to simply quantify whether a company is making an impact in a specific area. We rate across all major sectors and work to promote best practice within and across those sectors.

By focusing on social inclusion and sustainability we can achieve better stakeholder outcomes and reduce CO2e emissions, preserve water and promote biodiversity”.

The Environment category includes incorporating clean energy, sustainable transport, waste, materials and other solutions into the supply chain, production and delivery of products and services.

Food companies can incorporate sustainability into the food value chain from farm to fork.

Under Social, companies that drive inclusion in the underserved, whether to improve work conditions, healthcare access, access to education, affordable nutrition, financial inclusion or community investment will be well positioned for future growth in this ‘need to have’ category.

Finally, a strong governance regime will keep goals on track, identify issues and prevent negative operational impacts sooner.

Planet Arborist supports investment and generates vital investor connections for businesses to fast-track growth in order to have the greatest positive effect on sustainability and health.

The Planet Arborist team directly engages with businesses making a significant impact on the planet through their commercially attractive propositions. Their deep knowledge of the sustainability sector, unique relationship with producers and investors allows them to identify, rate and support the strongest and most promising companies early on in the growth stage.