Fleets taking renewed Covid threat seriously, reports FleetCheck


Fleets are responding to the increased level of Covid threat seen in recent weeks by returning to homeworking and readopting a range of other measures designed to minimise risk, FleetCheck is reporting.

The fleet software company says that the emergence of the Omicron strain of the virus, generally higher levels of cases, and the reintroduction of mask measures by the Government are all leading to a more cautious approach.

Peter Golding, managing director, said: “This is very much anecdotal from across our customer base but the kind of general relaxation of Covid measures that we saw over the summer has, in many cases, been drawn back in.

“Businesses that were encouraging a full or partial return to the office are now telling employees to stay at home, while there is also a renewed seriousness to preventative measures such as mask wearing.

“This is very much in line with other trends that are being widely publicised, such as companies cancelling their Christmas parties. There is renewed mood of restraint and a renewed sense that the Covid threat has not gone away.”

Peter said that it remained to be seen if this was a short term trend or whether 2022 would see a prolonged period of increased Covid awareness.

“I suspect much depends on what happens regarding the Omicron strain over the next few weeks and months. If it does appear to be spreading quickly and infection levels increase, we could see fleets adopt an even more cautious approach.

“The fact is that most businesses are now able to switch between lockdown-style working and something approaching normality – as well as all points between – with very little notice. This is a capability that has been created over the last couple of years, often with the help of the kind of technology that we provide that makes fleet home working much more effective.

“One thing that does appear to be happening now is that the approach adopted by individual employers is largely detached from Government advice. If managers perceive a heightened risk, many will immediately move to minimise risk without waiting for official guidance.”