Brigade’s white noise tech can solve scooter safety issue


The risk of e-scooters injuring unaware pedestrians can be solved with a proven pre-existing technology, a leading road safety pioneer claims.

UK Government figures show that 931 people were injured in accidents involving e-scooters in the year ending June 2021, including 131 pedestrians.

Now researchers are working with UK e-scooter rental firms in trials to develop a noise to alert pedestrians to e-scooters, which are usually very quiet.

But an ideal solution to the problem already exists – bbs-tek from leading vehicle safety company Brigade Electronics.

Brigade’s bbs-tek White Sound® alarms are the safest vehicle reversing alarms in the world and do not cause a noise nuisance.

The ‘ssh ssh’ white noise can be heard extremely clearly in the danger zone, even when wearing headphones or ear defenders or for people who have hearing difficulties.

Furthermore, the use of broadband technology provides greater directional information to the ear. The sound enables a pedestrian to tell where the vehicle is – a huge leap forward in terms of safety, because even a split-second’s confusion can result in serious injury.

Safety campaigner Chris Hanson-Abbott OBE, founder of Brigade, said: “It’s admirable that the Government is looking into improving the safety of scooters as more and more are seen on the nation’s paths and pavements.

“Scooters are hard to hear at low speeds and are fast enough that they can easily take a pedestrian by surprise, especially if they are distracted by their phone or are listening to music, and cause serious harm or worse.

“White Noise technology can alert pedestrians to an oncoming scooter quickly and efficiently and Brigade, which introduced the reversing alarm to the UK back in 1976, stands ready to provide a proven product that is trusted by drivers and fleet operators across the world to reduce scooter accidents.”

Brigade’s bbs-tek® White Sound® reversing alarms can operate effectively at five decibels lower than conventional beeping alarms.

They are endorsed by PIEK and the Noise Abatement Society and have been awarded the Quiet Mark for their environmental benefits.